
How To Grow A Lot Of Food In A Small Space Workshop



Ā 10am - 1pmĀ 

at Nourish Community
(near Bournemouth Airport)

You will also receive ourĀ Full Workshop NotesĀ andĀ Grow Guide Bundle
Ā (see below for details)

Limited places available

We are excited to be able to share with you a number of fun and exciting ways on how to grow a lot of food in a small space.

Since we first started out on our food growing journey, one of the major comments we would get was how so many people would love to grow their own food but they just didn’t have enough or were very limited on space.

This got us thinking how could we help overcome this hurdle for a lot of people, which turned into such a fun learning experience for the two of us. Not only were we able to start helping more people within the community, but what we discovered massively helped us become smarter and more efficient with our own growing space.


Our aim is to open you up and get your creativity flowing to all the possibilities with food growing, whatever your space or budget and be as smart and efficient as possible with the space you have available.

This has been such a fun journey for the two of us and we welcome you to join us as we share key principles, tricks and tips with you that we have picked up along the way.


Don’t forget to join our new Facebook group for growers of all levels if you haven’t already, you chat with likeminded people, share stories and get your questions answered at Growing The Community

Through our in person workshops and online community we can help support, educate and guide you on this exciting journey.


During the workshop you will discover…

  • How to create and layout your beds so that you can be as smart and efficient with the space you have available
  • How to build different grow structures to maximise on space with locally sourced materials
  • Seed sowing for higher yields in smaller spaces
  • The 5 core growing principles we use to maximise yields when space is limited

continue reading...

  • How to take advantage of shaded spaces and use them to your advantage
  • The different types of seeds to buy to help maximise your yield
  • Some of our recommended plants to grow when you are limited on space
  • How to grow and maintain certain plants to best help support their health while minimising pest and disease issues
  • Composting ideas for small spaces

You will also receive...

After the workshop via email, our Workshop Notes and the Nourish Community Grow Guide Bundle that you can download and use in and around the garden to help guide you along the way.

The bundle includes…

  • Our recommended sowing and harvesting dates to help keep you up to date and on top of your garden
  • A list of companion planting ideas so you can naturally help support the health and vitality of your plants
  • A list of the staple vegetables, herbs and flowers we grow, why we grow them and the seed companies we buy from
  • Our recommended plant spacings and why we break the rules with some of them